The default way of accessing the VM instance is using SSH keys.To enable access to your instance, be sure to choose 'Allow default access' in the 'Access scopes' configuration (Fig.There are plenty of possible configurations and you will be asked about creating machine’s type/size, name, username, login method and others. In the first step, you need to configure the base details and features for your VM: name, region, machine type.3 - Once you've chosen the VM type, click on "Create instance" to proceed to create the new VM Configuring the virtual machine Go to the website and log in or create an account (Fig.Once NoMachine is installed, you'll be able to access the remote desktop securely via NX. To get started you're going to need SSH to let you remotely log in and administer the Linux VM. NoMachine can be installed on literally any of the Linux flavors, though some of the steps might change depending on what you choose to use.

For this tutorial, we'll install it on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. You can of course install any of the enterprise-oriented products as well. We're going to install NoMachine Free Edition on a virtual Linux host, and then access the desktop of this virtualized Linux OS.We will show you how to configure a graphical user interface (GUI) for a GCP Linux instance and then access that GUI using NoMachine.

But users who are new to Linux will feel more comfortable with a GUI for installing and managing their applications. Most of the developers/sysadmins working with Linux prefer the command line over Graphical User Interface.