Simply shoot the LittleBigArchive twitter a tweet with what you want saved, and we'll be on it. Sonic and Sega All-stars Racing and Sonic and All-stars. modnation was slow, boring, uninspired trash. So that we can ensure many amazing community tracks, costumes and karts in modnation live on forever. Modnation is the only racing game I consider on par with Mario Kart lllloooooooll. However I cannot get everything alone, so I invite anyone willing to message the Archive project on twitter, with suggestions for things you want me to save for the archive. There is also 1.1 million raw data dumps from the server thanks to hopefullyidontgetbanned. So far I have archived around 7,300 costumes, 2,300 tracks, and 1000 some karts, with meticulous quality control. I've been archiving community content such as characters, karts and tracks for some time now, and officially added support for them in the LittleBigArchive, as Modnation Racers has it's own entire section! Ontop of that I have captured packets of the server, to ensure like many other games, it can eventually be brought back online.

Come October the game will finally be offline officially. If you enjoy this free ISO on, then you may also like other Sony Playstation Portable titles listed below. You can also play this game on your mobile device. Download ModNation Racers ISO to your computer and play it with a compatible emulator. As you all know, the shutdown for Modnation Racers is coming soon. ModNation Racers ISO download is available below and exclusive to.