We also do not allow non-reputable stores, auction sites and keyshops.

No buying, selling, trading, begging, giveaways or crowd-funding. Posts must be about or related to the Steam Deck Posts must be on-topic and relevant to the Steam Deck (not just vaguely or tangentially related). Make it fun! However, the mod team reserves the right to remove Deck Flex posts at their discretion or change this rule at any time. But if you don't like this rule, please feel free to suggest other ideas rather than trolling the sub through harassing and ridiculous reports). Remember: Everyone is excited about their deck! But no one wants to see your confirmation email, shipping tracker, turned-off deck on a table, or a box literally ever. Show your deck in a unique setting, get creative with the photo, or add a funny/interesting caption. You CAN show off your deck (any time)!! Please flair these posts as "Deck Flex," and try to make your post engaging for others. No Photos of Boxes/Unboxing, no Screenshots of Order/Ship Emails. (This is a video game sub, for crying out loud.) Examples of content not allowed include but are not limited to: insults, hrassment, name calling, or trolling abuse of the report button because you do not like a post, a rule, an OP, or a mod 'Baiting' other users in to insults via trolling Being overly negative, condescending, argumentative, or mocking Slurs or insults of any kind Politics. Every example listed in this rule is an immediately bannable offense without warning, but this is not an exhaustive list.

Don't be overly hostile or rude to other users. Keep the discussion civil and light, or your submission/comment will be removed. Official Website Frequently Asked Questions Steam Deck Discord Steam Deck Forum ProtonDB Rules:īe kind or Get Yeeted. The contents may not be so rousing to Zelda veterans, but they should prove helpful to those venturing into Breath of the Wild‘s Hyrule for the first time.Welcome to r/SteamDeck, the subreddit for Valve's handheld computer. pdf pages) are filled with introductory information about Breath of the Wild, including story breakdowns, character introductions, and information about controls and mechanics. pdf download of the Breath of the Wild Explorer’s Guide is available right here. To that end, Nintendo has made available a digital version of the Breath of the Wild Explorer’s Guide for free on the official Zelda website. With Tears of the Kingdom just around the corner, Nintendo has begun a huge marketing push for its Switch predecessor, in hopes that old fans will revisit the world of Breath of the Wild before the new adventure or that new fans will experience the game for the first time.